Early monsoons for me at Boshonto Utshob '09

This year's boshonto utshob was special in several ways.
I was singing after a gap of 2 years.
The solo that I performed, was not my difficult song #2...that is yet to come :)
Dada gave me this song on Friday, heard me sing it on Sunday and I performed it yesterday...

All through the morning I was tensed...I had forgotten what I sound like over the microphone.
Once I reached the venue, everything seemed to change...somehow the weather was just perfect, the people around were so happy and I found the "old me"..all that I could see around was soo familiar, I felt as if I was never gone... as if there were no 2 years in between...

Danseuese, Purnima Ghosh and her team members were slated to dance in the programme. My song was the second last in the evening and at the last moment yesterday, Purnima pishi did an extempore and danced to my song. I couldn't have had a better 'comeback'...I was so happy.
Watch the video and guess Purnima pishi's age..
The person playing the harmonium wearing white kurta, is My Dada (my teacher).

Na re, na re, bhoy korbo na bidayebedonare
Aapon shudha diye bhore debo taare.
Chokher jole shey je nobeen robe, dhyaaner monimalaye gantha hobe,
Porbo buker haarey.

Noyon hotey tumi ashbe praane, milbe tomar baani amar gaane gaane.
Biroho byathaye bidhuro deene dukher aloye tomaye nebo cheeney.
Ae more shadhona re.


    Seems I am following the blog of a future singing star. Wish if I could have an autograph in advance.