
No matter what i think of blogging about has already been written a thousand times everywhere. The sense of purpose and of originality goes for a toss; unless of course I'm writing a story or a poem. None of which i seem to succeed in doing either.
So what do i blog?

Speechless: Remember to observe like you did before and remind yourself to be the best listener that you once were.


    One should not compare with others' writing and become speechless. If a thought has come from your own heart, shaped by your own thoughts, then it belongs to you and you should write about it. No matter how many others may have stumbled on the same... It's like you are trekking in a forest and bump into a waterfall. You enjoy it no matter how many others have been there before..


    Nicely put. Thanks! Please visit again. :)


    VNP, you're the polyonymous, Vikas!
    Got to learn a new word because of you today..


    Thank you sunrise! BTW, I moved my blog. Will give the link if you would like to read.


    Yes please share the link...

    I'm bored of reading my own posts all the time...


    Others' blogs are just timepass, but never be bored of reading your own posts anytime, any number of times. It is what you were, becoming what you are, leading to what you will be. Your blog is like a gif image, made of snaps of your mind from different times of your life. Never be bored of reading your own posts, because through those reads and re-reads you relive yourself, your re-find yourself and, in the process, refine yourself.

    My take: people who have a blog do not need a mirror anymore!


    Hmmm...but the point is that you missed sharing your blog-link!